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Using this function sample from big data under linear, logistic and Poisson regression to describe the data. Subsampling probabilities are obtained based on the A- and L- optimality criteria.





sample size for initial random sampling


sample size for optimal sampling


response data or Y


covariate data or X matrix that has all the covariates (first column is for the intercept)


size of the big data


a character value for "linear", "logistic" and "poisson" regression from Generalised Linear Models


The output of ALoptimalGLMSub gives a list of

Beta_Estimates estimated model parameters in a data.frame after subsampling

Variance_Epsilon_Estimates matrix of estimated variance for epsilon in a data.frame after subsampling (valid only for linear regression)

Utility_Estimates estimated log scaled Information and variance for the estimated model parameters

Sample_A-Optimality list of indexes for the initial and optimal samples obtained based on A-Optimality criteria

Sample_L-Optimality list of indexes for the initial and optimal samples obtained based on L-Optimality criteria

Subsampling_Probability matrix of calculated subsampling probabilities for A- and L- optimality criteria


Two stage subsampling algorithm for big data under Generalised Linear Models (linear, logistic and Poisson regression).

First stage is to obtain a random sample of size \(r_1\) and estimate the model parameters. Using the estimated parameters subsampling probabilities are evaluated for A- and L-optimality criteria.

Through the estimated subsampling probabilities an optimal sample of size \(r_2 \ge r_1\) is obtained. Finally, the two samples are combined and the model parameters are estimated.

NOTE : If input parameters are not in given domain conditions necessary error messages will be provided to go further.

If \(r_2 \ge r_1\) is not satisfied then an error message will be produced.

If the big data \(X,Y\) has any missing values then an error message will be produced.

The big data size \(N\) is compared with the sizes of \(X,Y\) and if they are not aligned an error message will be produced.

A character value is provided for family and if it is not of the any three types an error message will be produced.


Wang H, Zhu R, Ma P (2018). “Optimal subsampling for large sample logistic regression.” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113(522), 829--844. Ai M, Yu J, Zhang H, Wang H (2021). “Optimal subsampling algorithms for big data regressions.” Statistica Sinica, 31(2), 749--772. Yao Y, Wang H (2021). “A review on optimal subsampling methods for massive datasets.” Journal of Data Science, 19(1), 151--172.


Dist<-"Normal"; Dist_Par<-list(Mean=0,Variance=1,Error_Variance=0.5)
No_Of_Var<-2; Beta<-c(-1,2,1); N<-5000; Family<-"linear"

r1<-300; r2<-rep(600,50); Original_Data<-Full_Data$Complete_Data;

ALoptimalGLMSub(r1 = r1, r2 = r2,Y = as.matrix(Original_Data[,1]),
                X = as.matrix(Original_Data[,-1]),N = nrow(Original_Data),
                family = "linear")->Results
#> Step 1 of the algorithm completed.
#> Step 2 of the algorithm completed.

#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.00541
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.00513
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.00702

Dist<-"Normal"; Dist_Par<-list(Mean=0,Variance=1)
No_Of_Var<-2; Beta<-c(-1,2,1); N<-5000; Family<-"logistic"

r1<-300; r2<-rep(600,50); Original_Data<-Full_Data$Complete_Data;

ALoptimalGLMSub(r1 = r1, r2 = r2,Y = as.matrix(Original_Data[,1]),
                X = as.matrix(Original_Data[,-1]),N = nrow(Original_Data),
                family = "logistic")->Results
#> Step 1 of the algorithm completed.
#> Step 2 of the algorithm completed.

#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.0234
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.0275
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.0227

No_Of_Var<-2; Beta<-c(-1,2,1); N<-5000; Family<-"poisson"

r1<-300; r2<-rep(600,50); Original_Data<-Full_Data$Complete_Data;

ALoptimalGLMSub(r1 = r1, r2 = r2,Y = as.matrix(Original_Data[,1]),
                X = as.matrix(Original_Data[,-1]),N = nrow(Original_Data),
                family = "poisson")->Results
#> Step 1 of the algorithm completed.
#> Step 2 of the algorithm completed.

#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.00768
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.00193
#> Picking joint bandwidth of 0.00266